Skilled Education vs Certificates/Degrees


No doubt that today is a world of competition. There’s a race everywhere around and everyone is in a chance of proving oneself superior to others. Superiority nowadays is judged by the amount of money you earn, the job you are entitled with or the lifestyle u live and all of these are a direct consequence of the education you hold.

When it comes to education everyone wants a degree that can give a boom to career opportunities. But, the sad reality is that maybe in this race we are lagging behind in the urge of learning, which is basically the foremost thing because no matter how many degrees you hold, you are not going anywhere if you can’t perform well in the field. May be your degrees will make you eligible for a job but to keep up with that you must be skilled in it as after a point of time you will be judged on the quality of work you do and not on the number of degrees.

Then, why it is not that instead of providing skills at workplace, the funda of skilled education be inculcated from the elementary level of studies. The crucial years of life are gone in getting the degrees without acquiring much of the required skills. It must be realized that skill is an abstract term which cannot be evaluated on the bits of paper. It is a broad spectrum which is groomed within the individual and nurtured through the repeated practical implications in life.

We have a large amount of educated unemployed people around. Now the question is- “They do have a degree so why can’t they make up for a job” While others with the same degree are able to. Now here the thing that actually makes a difference is skill. Skills are a thing that you won’t be learning by mugging up subject matters but they are based on practical knowledge and analysis.

Take for instance majority of great people from history were all skilled but they didn’t have a certificate of their knowledge.

Which implies skilled education is basically more important because we are living in a real world and it works on practical basis. The theory might be able to build the base but u can’t move up unless you are versed with your skills.

Hence, skilled education should be prioritized over degrees/certificates.


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