Top 10 things to keep in mind while Blogging

Blogging can be a great hobby when you wanted to earn money by doing something your passionate about and more importantly doing it on your own terms.

Many get intimidated by the thought of starting a blog which on the contrary is a very easy task if you keep some of these tips in your mind while starting to blog.


Find your Niche:

Blogging turns amazing only if you love what you write. Finding the right spot/domain you wanted in the world of blogging is the first step you have to consider.



Research a lot about the topic you are going to blog on. Doing proper background research guarantees the quality of content and facts posted on your site.


Write what they read:

From your niche narrow down to the topics that the readers are willing to read or try providing content towards it.


Size doesn’t matter:

While blogging many find the content they write either to be too short or in some cases too long. Never be worried about the length of the content, it is actually what you write matters.


Never interrupt the flow:

While writing, don’t try to think too hard just let the flow be there and hit the keys. Having a good flow ensures better content.


Always Proofread:

Once you are done with writing, proofread the content you as many times as possible until it satisfies you. It provides great benefits in removing some minor errors you could possibly have made.


Don’t look for Money:

Your drive towards blogging should always be a passion for writing and not to monetize your work. So ensure you are always passion-driven.


Post constantly:

Always fix a constant time interval for your work to be published and be loyal to the time table and publish your post accordingly.


Be clear and simple:

While blogging you might sometime get a notion of using tricky words to fill spaces but always remember readers like blogs that are lucid and keen to read and usually avoid the complex ones.


Write error-free:

Remember to use software such as Grammarly to check if there is any grammatical mistakes or spelling error in your blog



Extra tip:

Be positive towards critics:

After your blog gets published, there is a big chance of having critics in your comment section. Always hear them out and be constructive about their comments.


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