Marketing Moves

 If we consider any business to a tree then marketing resembles flowers of that tree. More beautiful and attractive is the flower the more it attracts the living beings.

The most important factor to make any business or start-up successful is the efforts that one put in marketing moves. While Marketing any product the promoter or seller should and has to keep himself in place of the customer and then think.

Any business is business till it has customers related and connected to it. So to attract customers one needs to take the marketing moves very accurately and sharply by keeping all the aspects in mind. ADVERTISEMENT is the soul of marketing. It is the technique through which the seller attracts the customer. The advertisement plays a very impactful role in making a business successful. The banners, TV ads, social advertisement, etc. all play a very obvious and important role in some or other way. But the key factor for marketing is that you have to see things from the viewer i.e. Customers/Buyer's point of view. A marketing move is successful only if it can grab the attention of the customer and convinces them to try the product at least once. So the marketing moves should be strategizing very smartly. Nowadays the marketing is being done with the use of highly advanced technology and concepts like robotics etc. which is a great and unique move.

Lastly, marketing is something that depends on the content rather than the style or beautification factors.


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