How To Grow Your Influence/Followers On Instagram


In this age of Internet, it is important for everyone doing a business to have a personal brand in instagram. People get to know you, they look up to you, its easier to get leads, you are able to network easily with industry leaders, there are so many benefits of growing your influence on instagram.

There are so many examples out there of people who grew on instagram and now have build huge brands. They are consistently marketing themselves through social media increasing their reach.

The good news is, its not a rocket science. If done right, anyone can build a decent following and have their own brand.

Here are few tip to get started with your instagram game

1.Create valuable content

To grow your influence on Instagram, it is very important to create content that adds value to the audience. Just posting about lifestyle and your selfies having having won’t get people to follow you. Post content that is useful to the audience. Your audience doesn’t care about you. They care about what they can get from you. So give them something valuable. Give them a reason to follow you.

2. Be consistent

Consistency is very important no matter what you are doing. Posting consistently on Instagram is important. When people are following you they are expecting content on a regular basis. If you are inconsistent and post once a month, you might end up losing followers. People want to see you are active member in your industry and you are continuously learning and growing. This builds trust. Posting valuable content consistently proves that you an active and growing player in your industry and people will look up to you when they need help.

3. Engage with audience

Do Instagram Live regularly, do Q/A session through Instagram stories, ask people for response/feedback/opinions on particular topic or your recent post. Engaging with your audience regularly helps build a relationship with them. They trust you more and are more likely buy your products. You also get to know what content they want and what problems they face so you can use those questions for your next content.

4.Instagram paid ads

Instagram Paid ads work best when it comes increasing followers, but it works well only if you are doing the above steps properly.The best way is to make a video of yourself talking about what you do and how you can help your audience and promote it to your target audience. You can adress their pain points in the videoa and give solutions to it.

For example, If you are food influencer.You can talk about how to make perfectly crips finger chip which is something people find different and run an ad with that post.

5.Instagram story ads.

Instagram story ads are a little more fun and can be used creatively. In the 15 sec ad, you can just give people an introduction of yourself and ask them to swipe up.This particular ad type has worked pretty well in bringing people to the profile of the ad. Then if they scroll and find the account valuable, they usually give a follow.This is how story ads work on instagram. They are paticularly designed for phone users as 80 % people use phone for using instagram so this type of ad has a huge potential of growing your following.


Listen up Business Owners – When creating a business Instagram account you want to first create an Instagram business strategy or action plan strategy. WHY? Let’s review a couple of more stats created by our friends over at Wordstream.

This year, 70.7% of U.S. companies will use Instagram for marketing, edging out Twitter for the primary time.
8. 50% of Instagram users follow a minimum of one business.
9. 60% of users say that they need learned a few product or service on the platform.
With Instagrams immense community, how is your business getting to stand out? How are you getting to follow your audience? What brand message are you advertising? Which call to actions are you getting to use? What design aesthetic are you getting to use? How often are you getting to post? How can your brand be seen to new potential clients? These are only a couple of questions you ought to be asking yourself which is why strategy is the first step .

Think about once you first created your business. You obviously had to make some kind of plan on how you'd get from point a to point b, created goals then steps on how you'd accomplish those goals. Welp people, this isn’t rocket science. Your Instagram strategy is just about the precise same thing as your business strategy.

An Instagram marketing plan should be clear to the purpose and discuss what you would like to accomplish for example:

Business goals
Who your audience is
What story you would like to inform .
You’re brand design or aesthetic.


Research is extremely important for any business creating a web social presence. you ought to be asking – what's your competition doing? What are the opposite businesses doing? What hashtags are popular in your industry? Who in your industry has success via Instagram?

No one wants to reinvent the wheel, nor should they need to in today’s technological world. There are some ways to ascertain what your competitors do such as…

Have you performed a Social media audit? the aim of the audits are to guage and optimize a business’s profiles and methods . In ways, they need increased and may increase their original goals. this text contains a FREE template, provided by Hootsuite, on the way to create a social media audit.
Another key tip with research is knowing and understanding Instagram statistics and anayltics. 

All business accounts should utilize the Instagram anayltics and insights as this may tell you your audience, demographic, trending post then forth. inspect this text provided by Hootsuite about the highest 24 Instagram statistics you ought to remember of so as to assist grow your Instagram presence.
It is key to know Instagrams News Feed Algorithm and trends in order that your business can occupy the highest of your follower’s feeds.
If you an e-commerce shop, apply for Instagram shopping. you'll click here to use for your Instagram shoppers account.


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